About Us


Virtual Nepantla

Botanica Nahualli began in 2018 as an online spiritual shop rooted in Mesoamerican culture; in the span of six years, it evolved into a digital ghetto where we (nepantlerxs) turn toward spirituality and art in search of resistance and liberation. We are border-dwellers living in the aftermath of colonialism; our projects are our vision of a future that neither forces us to accept, nor perpetuate colonialism.

Wachale Cineteca

Housed at the Latinx Research Center at UC Berkeley, Wachale Cineteca is a cinematheque that cultivates a cinematic practice, through critical filmmaking and critical spectatorship, that unsettles the hegemonic gaze. Our monthly screenings, film festivals, guest lectures, research, and published texts propose alternative forms of storytelling, other(ized) methods of gazing (e.g., hooks’s “oppositional gaze”), archival revisioning, and epistemic refuge. Additionally, we seek to establish a framework of distribution and exhibition that is unbound to Hollywood. Click here to start an email to Agustín.

Rooted Goods

Real estate has historically functioned to displace BIPOC communities through white supremacist projects like settler colonialism, squatting laws, redlining, predatory loans, and by making real estate intentionally confusing to folx. Rooted Goods is a real estate project that seeks to heal the past by altering the relationship between earth and people. We work on land use projects that reimagine spaces which are harmful to the earth and to communities, so that we can begin to heal both the earth and the people. Connect with Yanira on Instagram.


MendoMuscle functions outside the limited ideologies of the gender binary and heteronormativity to cultivate an inclusive bodybuilding community, provide curated supplements and sports nutrition for everyone, and to offer a safe LGBTQIA+ space focused on health. We are a registered transgender safe space in Ukiah, California. Our smoothie and coffee bar is coming soon. Visit mendomuscle.com for more information.

Borderlands Cabin, Joshua Tree, California

Staying in our one-bedroom cabin in Joshua Tree, California feels like being in Nepantla. The mid-century cabin sits on two acres of beautiful land in the Mojave Desert. It is equipped with a queen bed, bathroom and shower, running water and electricity, heater and air-conditioning, full kitchen, dining room, living room with sofa bed, natural cedar hot tub (no chemicals), wifi, and a selection of books on Chicana feminist discourse, decoloniality, and curanderismo. Click here to request availability and rates.


Borrowed from the philosophy of Gloria Anzaldúa, who used the term nepantlera to define people who live in a state of in-between-ness. Liminality is our strength. We are Agustín, Yaya, Donnie, Carlos, and Damian.

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Botanicas are found throughout Latinx communities around the world, people go to botanicas to consult with its healer, called a Curanderx (healer) or to stock up on herbs, magick candles and other metaphysical items.


Nahuatl is the language of the Aztecs (Nahua); a Nahualli is someone–likely a shamanic healer–who shifts into their animal spirit. The Nahua believe everyone is born with at least one animal spirit. Nahualli also means “to animate.”